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sound by Jbgmusic

About Superquatro Grup

SUPERQUATRO GRUP is a entirely private capital owned company, founded in 2001, located in Galati, Romania. SUPERQUATRO GRUP company possess the required skills, capabilities and knowledge to perform the following types of work:

Superquatro Grup

  • Removal and refloating of shipwrecks or damaged vessel;
  • Hydrotechnical works for the improvement of navigation on the Danube levees restoration; bank protection; bottom sills; groynes; harbors flatbeds
  • Dredging works for maintenance of the navigable channel or in harbors and basins.

At present, the company works with specialty personnel with a wide experience, which allows addressing a broad portfolio of works. In completing the projects, the high qualification is assisted also by a performant endowment with parameters close to the equipments that are used at international level.